I need writer to write unique content, original text is for reference, do not use text from there or will be duplicate and ill not accept , you need to write unique content article at each article, and write minimum 150 words and add 7 to 10 keywords related to title or content, some article has 150+ words so only need correct them Grammarly and integrate keywords for SEO, this is the example how was writing another person https://www.bestcrazygames.com/game/play/mermaid-fashion, I need daily to write much as you can so in total is 720 article monthly to fix. My budget is 100$, and it is more days no problem, this job is a lifetime, all time I need to write for myself.
This link https://www.crazygamesonline.com/game/play/space-attack-arcade is an example where need to fix article as I explained above.
I need writer every day writing because I'm posting 24 articles per day
- some article has lower words than 150 so need to add up to 150
- some article have 150+ words so only need to correct Grammarly, add keywords and submit an update on my website, I will give you account login to my website
- fix fast description after you fix manual Grammarly
- begin to write from top left, add into do doc file link and description per each game article, find keyword here https://keywordtool.io/?fbclid=IwAR1j8ZkvVkIcaGcelKHvxL09tfeii_YeJhzxZEqdxvFKtf84w2govimJwy4
You need to write unique article in English, we not all respin text